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3 Ways You Can Support mothers2mothers

Click here for 3 ways you can support mothers2mothers.

We would love to work together to discover how best we can partner to make a difference, but first let us introduce ourselves…

Meet mothers2mothers (m2m):

m2m is a proudly African, women-centred primary healthcare organisation. We work in under-resourced health settings in sub-Saharan Africa to ensure the people who need it most get the care they need from someone they trust.

We train and employ local African women living with HIV as community health workers, who work at health facilities and door-to-door in their communities delivering health services, education, and support so that everyone everywhere has the opportunity to be healthy.

Our approach is centred on the power of one mother sharing her story with another mother, her peer, connecting through their lived experience and shared understanding.

It works because it’s local and peer-led. At its simplest, it’s two women connecting over their shared health journey. One woman is just further along in that journey than the other, and shares her experience to bring inspiration, encouragement, and hope.

That’s why we call the women we employ Mentor Mothers.

Since 2001, we have employed over 12,000 Mentor Mothers who, together, have reached over 16 million women and families and helped to keep alive nearly 3 million at-risk mothers and infants. To find out more about our impact, please click here.

That’s the power of mother in action.

Coming up

The Mothers’ Ball is our annual flagship fundraising moment celebrating the rich diversity, creativity and excellence of the African continent. To find out more, please click here.

This year, The Mothers’ Ball is taking place at the incredible V&A South Kensington on Wednesday 20 November 2024. If you would like to join our Host Committee, take a table, find out about our sponsorship opportunities for your brand, or to share with your network, please contact Roxanne Decent on [email protected].

3 Ways You Can Support mothers2mothers:

  1. Make a donation:

A Mentor Mother with a family she serves outside their home in Lesotho.

We appreciate any support that is possible to help build a healthy, thriving Africa. For some more guidelines on where your donations go –

£20 could purchase two bed nets for a vulnerable family in Mozambique, giving vital protection against malaria.

£50 could fund a support group session for 10 women living with HIV to help them overcome stigma and stay in care.

£150 could purchase a smart phone so a Mentor Mother can provide services and support to clients.

£250 could help screen 50 m2m clients in Uganda for cervical pre-cancer, who face greater risks of the disease due to their HIV status.

Donate today and help place African women and their communities at the heart of the solution.

  1. Support through your business:

Mentor Mothers outside the their Clinic in Malawi.

Engage your employees and customers in our joint mission to support empowered African women to lead change in their communities.

You can partner with us by making a company donation or by pledging to raise funds through product sales or employee giving, all year round, or on important activation moment for your brand.

You can also join a group of like-minded brands and businesses to collectively invest in the work of m2m as The Mothers’ Collective.

There are also opportunities to sponsor our events, including our flagship annual event, The Mothers’ Ball, or co-create a bespoke fundraising event.

For more information Kate Hamilton, Private Sector Lead: [email protected]

  1. Find out more:

a Mentor Mother with her child in Malawi.

If you would like to learn more about mothers2mothers, and explore how you would like to support our life-changing work…

Please contact:

Roxanne Decent, Head of Events: [email protected].


Together we can continue providing healthcare to families who need it most, delivered by the women who know them best.

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