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Women and Mothers Inspiring Change

Today is Mother’s Day in many countries around the world, including many of our countries of operation, and at mothers2mothers (m2m) we are celebrating the power of women and mothers to inspire change.

We see the transformative impact of mothers supporting mothers, women supporting women every day. The more than 1,100 women who are employed and trained by m2m as community health workers across 12 countries in sub-Saharan Africa—known as Mentor Mothers—have a unique ability to meet people exactly where they are. That’s because the challenges their clients face are similar to their own.

Faridah understands this power better than anyone because her health journey was shaped by mothers, and she is now a mother guiding others on the same path.

Seven years ago, Faridah thought her plans for a happy future were over when she tested positive for HIV during her pregnancy. Fortunately, her Mentor Mother, Gonza, was there to provide her health education and unwavering support so Faridah could accept her diagnosis, start, and stay on lifesaving treatment.

Mentor Mother Faridah in Uganda

Mentor Mother Faridah in Uganda

Today, she is healthy, the proud mother of two children who are both HIV-free, and is following in Gonza’s footsteps as an m2m Mentor Mother.

“As a young mother in my community, I am seen as a role model. I am optimistic about the future, and believe that my hard work will ensure a bright future for my children and other women and families,” she says.

Fortunately, Faridah’s story is not unique. Her successful health journey has been repeated millions of times over at m2m—demonstrating the power of mother.

In fact, since 2021, m2m has created jobs for over 12,000 women living with HIV as Mentor Mothers. Together, they have…

  • Reached more than 16 million people with life-changing health services
  • Helped keep alive almost three million mothers and babies who would otherwise have been at increased risk of mortality.
  • Achieved virtual elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV among our enrolled clients for nine consecutive years, with a transmission rate of just 0.5% in 2022.

To everyone celebrating Mother’s Day today, and during the month of May, we wish you a very special day with your loved ones, and send our deep gratitude to all of the mothers and women who guide, nurture, and inspire us.

It’s not too late to make a donation to m2m to help Mentor Mothers, like Faridah, ensure more women and families stay healthy and thrive. If you donate in honor of your mother or a special woman in your life, you can send them an eCard with a personal message to let them know how they inspire you. Click here to donate.

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